Ohio Elks Celebrate US Army's 248th Birthday at Ohio Veterans Home
Pictured are three Army Veterans just a few who attended.
On Wednesday June 14th (Flag Day!) the Elks hosted a 248th Army birthday party for OVH Veterans who proudly served this branch. This is one of the five birthday parties we will host this year thanks to the “Boost Grant” we were awarded from Grand Lodge.
Luckily we had a beautiful Spring day so the festivities were held outside in the pavilion that was decorated in an Army theme, balloons, and small gifts. They thought it was really cool!
A delicious picnic lunch of hamburgs, hot dogs, baked beans, macaroni salad with all the trimmings, coffee, and punch was served to the Veterans by volunteers and staff members.
Happy Birthday wishes were given and of course can’t have a party without cake, so a delicious homemade chocolate & white cake was served to all.
The Veterans were very appreciative and are honored that Flag Day is celebrated the same day.