State Public Relations Chair
Brad Smith
Marion #32
Public Relations is your Lodge’s year-round effort to show non-members in your locality that the Elks is a community service organization made up of people who like to have fun. It’s your opportunity to proudly showcase your Lodge as the kind of group worth joining.
Work with your ER, Secretary, Club Manager, Newsletter Editor, Facebook Editor and/or Activities Chairman to make sure you are informed of all upcoming events as far in advance as possible.
Develop a system to gather information and photos of all newsworthy events.
Recruit a PR Committee.
Go out and meet the media personally.
Promote your Lodge Events,
PR Chairperson’s “Top 5 To Do” List
Installation of new officers
Elks Youth Week
Mother’s Day events
Memorial Day events
Flag Day (pre-event announcement and post-event coverage)
Father’s Day events
Scholarship winners
Golf League
Little League/baseball team sponsorships
Hoop Shoot (announcement/winners)
Golf outings
Lodge awards received at Ohio Elks convention
Americanism Contest
What Should Our Lodge Publicize?
Children's Halloween Party
Scholarship applications available
Veterans Day events
Thanksgiving/Holiday food baskets
Hoop Shoot location/date announcement
Elk’s Memorial Service announcement – members to be honored
Hoop Shoot winners
Children’s Christmas party
Local winners at the District Hoop Shoot
Americanism Contest winners
Valentine’s Day activities
Member Awards (like GER Membership Recruitment, Officer of the Year)
Scholarship applications available
Additional suggested subjects you can publicize.
National initiatives implemented on the local level (example: Dictionary Project)
Drug Awareness programs or literature distributed.
Events hosted (festival beer garden, track meet, etc.)
All donations (ENF grants, Community Service grants, etc.)
Veteran’s activities (visitation, dinners, awards, etc.)
Remember: your release will be 5 times more likely to be printed if it is accompanied by a photograph!
I have some press releases/stories for these events that have been used successfully. If you would like me to share them or post them on the OEA website, email me.
Also, don’t forget to send copies of your releases to your District Public Relations Chairperson to have them included in the OEA News section, https://ohioelks.com/oea-news/ .