State Soccer Shoot Chair
Kevin Garrison, PDDGER
Wooster #1346
2023 State Soccer Shoot Results
The Ohio Soccer Shoot Champions went to York, Pa for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Soccer Shoot in March of 2024. I am happy to report that all ten of our shooters were able to attend. They were:
Violet Van Dresser U-8 girl from Norwalk Lodge #730 – placed 5th in her age group in York
Everett Gerker, U-8 boy from Van Wert Lodge # 1197 – placed 2nd in his age group in York
Elsee Mencer, U-10 girl from Coshocton Lodge # 376 – placed 6th in her age group in York
Ayden Seasly, U-10 boy from Norwalk Lodge # 730 – placed 6th in his age group in York
Layla Hewitt, U-12 girl from Salem Lodge # 305 – placed 6th in her age group in York
Randall Hoy, U-12 boy from Upper Sandusky Lodge # 83 – placed 6th in his age group in York
Layla Echt, U-14 girl from Willoughby-Cleveland Lodge # 18 – placed 5th in her age group in York
Kobe Beidelschies, U-14 boy from Upper Sandusky Lodge # 83 – placed 3rd in his age group in York
Jordis Echt, U-16 girl from Willoughby-Cleveland Lodge # 18 – placed 4th in her age group in York
John Paul Cap, U-16 boy from Findlay Lodge # 75 – placed 3rd in his age group in York
A great time was had by everyone, new friendships were made, and most importantly, every had a GREAT time. We competed against five other state associations; Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, DC., New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Ohio placed in 5th place overall. The weekend started with a pizza party and DJ hosted by the York Pa. Lodge # 213 with the actual shoot on Saturday morning. The banquet and awards program highlighted Saturday evening with everyone enjoying the fellowship of the evening and the honoring of the winners.
Looking ahead, our 2024 state shoot will be held on 02 November 2024, and the regional shoot will be held in March 2025. Details on those shoots will be posted as they become available.
The Ohio Elks Association, through its lodges across the State host action filled soccer shoot competitions for kids up through U14.
Soccer is one of the fastest growing youth activities in the country. The Elks Soccer Shoot Program is geared to coincide with this sport phenomenon. From toddlers to teens, in our large urban centers to our small suburban settings, soccer is becoming the sport of choice for our youth. This program is the kind of sporting event to help keep our youth focused and away from undesirable activities.
The Elks Soccer Shoot program consists of two different contests that test different level skills at different ages. A "Five Goal Contest" consists of a series of five goals, decreasing in size from 48 inches to 17 inches. The age group that uses the goals in this contest are U-8 for ages 7 years old and younger. The contest is open to boys and girls who shoot separately. The U-8 contestants kick from 15 feet from the face of the goal.
The Grid Goal Contest consists of a full-size goal sectioned off so points can be scored when the ball is kicked into certain sections. The age groups that use this goal are U-10, for ages eight and nine, U-12, for ages ten and eleven, and U-14, for ages twelve and thirteen. The contest is open to both boys and girls and they shoot separately.
Winners at each contest are eligible to advance to the next level of competition. The levels are Local Lodge, District, State, and Region. Winners at the Regional level will have their scores sent to the national level to determine a National Champion in each of the age and gender groups.
The Elks Soccer Shoot Program is a terrific program for our youth, the future of our country. See if this program is available in your area by contacting the local lodge near you.