Ashland Elks #1360 Support Local Police Department

Ashland Elks Lodge #1360 recently utilized the Ohio Elks Association Community Service Grant to purchase a new TV for the Ashland City Police Division. Previously the Police Division was using a TV from 2009 with very low resolution. As the city is implementing body-worn cameras, the new high-definition TV will be used to review the footage in the highest possible resolution allowing the investigators to get the most out of the system. The TV will also be used by officers to better review evidence in cases from cell phones, surveillance video and other sources. It also has better capability to engage in virtual training.

The Ohio Elks Association’s Community Service Grant is awarded to 24 lodges throughout the state of Ohio each year. The purpose of the grant is to purchase equipment for municipalities that allows them to perform their jobs better. Last year, the grant was awarded to the City of Ashland Fire Division to help purchase new vacuum splints.

Ashland Elks #1360 is proud to support the Ashland City Police Division in their mission “to protect peace, order and safety, through service with integrity and accountability”


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