Lorain Elks #1301 Supports Local Mother's Panrty

Lorain Elks lodge #1301 utilized $1,000 from the Elks National oundation (ENF) Beacon & Gratitude grants to do shopping for the month of June to restock the Resource Mothers Pantry with needed PPE (personal protective equipment...sanitizing agents,wipes, detergent etc...) and items that the Pantry needed .(i.e umbrella strollers, booster seats,baby clothes,teething tools, baby bottles, sippie cups and more.) These items were delivered also to the Pantry by Lodge members from left Karen Belcher & Nora Schrenkel., 3 Resource mom volunteers were also there to help.


Gallipolis Elks #107 Help Battle Hunger in Local Community


Van Wert Elks #1197 Celebrate Flag Day