Ohio Elks Association and Dayton Elks #58 Making a Difference For Those with Cerebral Palsy
The Ohio Elks Association and Dayton Elks Lodge #58 presented checks to United Rehabilitation Services, Dayton Ohio's Cerebral Palsy Unit totaling $27,600. $25,000 CP grant from the Ohio Elks, along with two (2) $800 camperships and $1,000 from the Dayton Elks.
The money is to be used for therapy and physical development for URS clients.
From left: Mike Iddings, PDDGER Dayton #58, Sara Dunavent, PDDGER, Troy #833 and OEA Cerebral Palsy Fund Raising State Coordinator, Kevin Malloy, ER Dayton #58, and Dennis Grant, Executive Director, United Rehabilitation Services Dayton