Ohio Elks Bring Christmas in July to Sandusky Veterans Home
Sadly our Veterans were stricken by the virus early on. We are not allowed to visit our Veterans so we reached out to the dedicated OVH staff asking for ideas. We received a personal needs list and boy we went shopping!!!!
For both Men & Women we purchased new sweatshirts/hood jackets, ladies night shirts, all kinds personal hygiene items, over the door hangers, soap dishes, 120 decks of jumbo playing cards (donated Kevin Knight Toledo/Sylvania #53) As you can see pictured.
The facility is now virus free and is slowly able to enjoy the outside, but many needed sunglasses, so we bought them 50 pair of cool ones.
On July 29th the goodies were delivered. The home greatly appreciated the Elk donation!
From left: Veterans Rep Mary, Assistant Volunteer Coordinator Carla Dupont