Newark Elks Fundraises For CP In An "Egg-citing" Way.

Newark Elks Lodge #391 prepares a monthly Rise & Shine Breakfast, as just one of their Cerebral Palsy fundraisers! The breakfasts’ feature a different item each month along with Bartender Michelle’s famous Bloody Mary Bar. This fundraiser has been well received and a great way to include all members.

Pictured left to right are: Valerie Deedrick, Esquire; Angela Schlesiona, soon to be new member; Deb Probasco, Committee Chair; Michelle Morrison, Bartender and Eric Finley, member. Not pictured is Steve Deedrick, Loyal Knight collecting the money.

Pictured left to right are: Valerie Deedrick, Esquire; Angela Schlesiona, soon to be new member; Deb Probasco, Committee Chair; Michelle Morrison, Bartender and Eric Finley, member. Not pictured is Steve Deedrick, Loyal Knight collecting the money.


Athens Elks #973 Helps Local Veterans


Freemont Elks #169 Uses Beacon Grant To Help Local Community