Lebanon Elks #422 Host Veterans Picnic
The Lebanon Elks Lodge No. 422 along with the Warren County Veterans Service Commission hosted a picnic for 150-200 veterans and their families in July. The picnic was funded by a Gratitude Grant from the Elks National Foundation along with Veterans Services matching the funds.
The lodge provided the meal, musical entertainment, popcorn and cotton candy. Veteran Services covered the venue, soft drinks and Civil War re-enactment entertainment along with an ice cream truck.
Veteran Services also brought their outreach mobile unit for individuals to obtain new identification cards, dog tags and information regarding services available to them such as assistance with travel to and from appointments, housing and clothing needs
Warren County Humane Society came with several dogs and cats ready for adoption as emotional support animals.
The event not only brought out younger families in need, it also brought out veterans from WW II, Korean and Vietnam. Our lodge had 42 volunteers to assist with cooking, serving, clean-up; some members provided face painting for the kids and others provided items to be given away as door prizes.
There was an overwhelming positive feedback from the veterans and their family members regarding the event, it's activities and meal provided. Many veteran thanked the Elks for thinking of them and hosting the picnic, asking if the picnic would be an annual event, and if so, looking forward to next years picnic.