Ohio River Valley Elks #231 Brings Book Fair to Local Students

Ohio River Valley Elks Lodge #231, Martins Ferry, staged a book fair for the Bellaire, OH Middle and High School’s After School Academy students.  The event was held in conjunction with its annual Thanksgiving dinner prepared and attended by the students and their families. 


Prior to the event, Elks worked with the teacher moderators to compile a list of books to present to the students and enhance their library offerings. Titles were chosen and ordered by Elks from Scholastic and Amazon at the most reasonable prices available.

High school teachers picked several titles to use with an entire group of the after school attendees and 20 books of the same title were provided.  Middle school students all received a math workbook How to Ace Middle School Math and were permitted to pick one other title for personal use.  The remainder of the $2,500 worth of books was donated to enhance the school library.

Elk members were hosted at the dinner and then presented books to excited and deserving youngsters.  The event came about in response to identifying a student need and the Elks using an Elks National Foundation (ENF) Promise Grant to help meet that need.


Two more book fairs are scheduled in January for after school students in Martins Ferry and Bridgeport, OH.  These fairs will be supported by the Lodge 231’s ENF Beacon Grant.



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