Hamilton Elks #93 Making An Impact Against Food Insecurity in Butler County
Hamilton Elks Lodge #93 was has been awarded a renewal of their Impact Grant from the Elks National Foundation (ENF). The grant funds a program focusing on food insecurities in Butler County, OH, especially for older seniors. The lodge concentration is heavily on food insecurities with low income and home inbound seniors.
This year the lodge has diversified their efforts to help seniors directly and indirectly. They have partnered with the “Open-Door Pantry” and will donate food boxes each month in 2025. This food pantry is close to our hearts because we have one of our own working there 3 days a week and in a month’s time, John Drexler an Elk member will put in about 91 hours of work at the Pantry doing all kinds of things needed.
We are also continuing our work with Kevin Kurpieski, Manager of Job & Family Services in Butler County in the Adult Protection Services Department. We provide food for 10 senior families each month. Kevin and his department provide the list of senior families that are the neediest each month and make face-to-face deliveries due to privacy issues.
Our Elks members do all the shopping for the food, prepare and pack all the food boxes. Last year we had 128 Elk members participate, this not including helpers. Elk members contributed 282 hours to the Impact Grant in 2024. The cost of value worked by the Elk members was $9,000.
Hamilton Elks Lodge #93 looks forward to thriving in 2025.