Newark Elks #391 Celebrates Flag Day
70 people were in attendance to listen to the Elks Flag Day Ritual as well as enjoying a chorus singing patriotic songs and a violinist playing moving tunes.
The Lodge had the help of Boy Scout Troop 2, who shared the Meaning of the Colors and the Folds of the Flag; the American Heritage Girls Troop 148, who read patriotic flag poems; and the Licking County Veterans Alliance carrying the flags.
The Boy Scouts and American Heritage Girls also posted and retired the colors.
The Newark Lodge is so proud to be able to present this ceremony to the public and we are hoping that by including the young people that we will foster a love and appreciation for our Grand Ole Flag!
Pictured left to right back row are ER Marvin Oneson, the Licking County Veterans Alliance, front row left, Boy Scout Troop 2, American Heritage Girls Troop 148, and far right, Mayor and Lodge Treasurer Jeff Hall.