Newark Elk Lodge #391 Celebrates Flag Day, Albeit a Bit Differently
From Left: Loyal Knight Valerie Deedrick, Esquire Bill Trumbull,Chaplain Kathy Wise,PER John Stare, PER Dave Underhill, member Ginger Rife, Trustee Harry Yocum, member Susan English, member Ruby Smith, Inner Guard Steve Reichart, Trustee Ed Smith, member Tom Stoyle, ER Steve Deedrick, Trustee Gary Kinney, Lecturing Knight Marvin Oneson, Treasurer Jeff Hall. Not seen behind right is PER Joe Lebold and Secretary Randy Rogers.
A normal Flag Day ceremony for Newark Elks Lodge #391 includes not only the Elks Flag Day Ritual but also the Boy Scouts, our local Americanism winners, singers, speakers, military, and special guests. We normally draw a crowd of lodge members, spouses, and community members.
But Flag Day 2020 was different. Covid-19 and Ohio Governor’s stay at home orders during the planning stages almost derailed our event.
Exalted Ruler Steve Deedrick and Flag Day Chairman Becky Underhill felt it was just too important to let the day go by and not do something to honor our Star Spangled Banner.
With the help of the lodge officers and members, Newark Lodge presented a “bare bones” ceremony paying tribute to that grand old flag of ours with just the members of the lodge in attendance.
In these troubled days facing our nation, it was good to be reminded what our flag stands for and to remember that there have been troubled times in the past and we persevered. We can do it again!