Hattie Larlham Recognizes Ohio Elks for 50 Years of Support
Hattie Larlham hosted a reception honoring 50 years of support totaling nearly $345,000 from the Ohio Elks Cerebral Palsy Fund and the Ravenna Elks Lodge #1076. Grants from the Elks to Hattie Larlham have provided therapy and medical equipment used in the care of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities at the Hattie Larlham Center for Children with Disabilities.
At the reception, Dave Mix, Exalted Ruler of Ravenna Elks #1076, along with Jim Vasey, District CP Chair and Jeff Dillon, DAC presented a check in the amount of $6,800 to Steve Colecchi, CEO of Hattie Larlham as Sandy Cinch, Dianna Bluso and Maureen Keller observe.