Cuyahoga Fall - Akron - Barberton Lodge Helps Local Women's Center

Cuyahoga Falls - Akron - Barberton Elks Lodge #1923 hosted “Music on Mission”. It was an evening of live music at our lodge, all donated by our Songwriters group named Pandora’s box that meets at our lodge the second Wed of every month.

Two of these songwriters are Elks members. This evening, they had 5 different bands set up, played 30 minute sets, and during this they asks for funds, and donations of supplies for Hope and Healing Battered Women’s and Rape Crisis Center that provides amazing services for all of Summit and Medina Counties.

We raised over 17 large clothing baskets full of much needed toiletries and supplies, plus almost $500 in monetary donations. The two members who coordinated and ran this great event are Bev Hutchins and Wendy Benes.

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Cuyahoga Falls - Akron - Barberton Lodge Rolls on Memorial Day


Cuyahoga Falls - Akron - Barberton Lodge Helps Local Animal Sanctuary